索诺玛葡萄酒之乡拥有超过 425 家酒庄,充满了令人兴奋的地区活动、美食目的地、精品店和工匠集市。请回来查看您最喜欢的索诺玛县活动和活动。通过索诺纳乡村旅游局探索附近更多特价优惠。
索诺玛葡萄酒之乡拥有超过 425 家酒庄,充满了令人兴奋的地区活动、美食目的地、精品店和工匠集市。请回来查看您最喜欢的索诺玛县活动和活动。通过索诺纳乡村旅游局探索附近更多特价优惠。
2301 哈迪巷圣罗莎, CA 95403
在加利福尼亚州圣罗莎的查尔斯·舒尔茨博物馆 (Charles M. Schulz Museum)与史努比和伙伴们一起玩耍。查看世界上最大的花生原创艺术品收藏,嘲笑舒尔茨的原创漫画,了解卡通艺术,观看动画花生特辑等等!
3115 Porter Creek Rd, 圣罗莎, CA 95404
Safari West 是一个占地 400 英亩的私人野生动物保护区,位于加利福尼亚州索诺玛县圣罗莎市以北 12 英里处。
9380 Sonoma Hwy, Kenwood, CA 95452
Bottled with love, for the joy of living. Muscardini Cellars exclusively invites guests of the Flamingo to enjoy a VIP tasting experience. Guests will enjoy their Signature Tasting Flights accompanied by a curated of local salami, cheese, and olive oil. Ask the Flamingo Front Desk for more details on how to reserve your complimentary tasting!
700 Grove Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448
Seghesio Family Vineyards invites guests of the Flamingo to enjoy a Classico Flight, featuring a curated selection of their critically acclaimed Zinfandels and Italian heritage wines. Your host will personally connect with you, sharing stories about their wines, vineyards, family, and friendships. Ask the Flamingo Front Desk for more details on how to reserve your complimentary tasting!
2948 Piner Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Battaglini Estate Winery invites guests of the Flamingo Resort & Spa to escape to a little piece of Italy and enjoy complimentary tastings at their Tuscan-inspired, family-owned and operated vineyard. This multiple award-winning estate boasts some of the oldest vines in the United States, dating back to 1885. Ask the Flamingo Front Desk for more details on how to reserve your complimentary tasting!
8860 Sonoma Hwy, Kenwood, CA 95452
In the heart of Sonoma Valley surrounded by vineyards, Hamilton Family Wines exclusively invites guests of the Flamingo Resort & Spa to sip with us. Sit and relax in the dappled shade of our back patio, surrounded by mature olive trees, and enjoy our current release of small-production, low-intervention, and hand-crafted wines. Family, pet, and picnic friendly. Ask the Flamingo Front Desk for more details on how to reserve your complimentary tasting!
412 Timothy Rd suite c, Santa Rosa, CA
Hobo Wine Company is a family-run and certified organic winery close to Railroad Square. Cozy up in their winery's living room and taste through a flight of cellar favorites. Whether you're looking for something classic or a bit more unique, they have something for everyone to enjoy. Ask the Flamingo Front Desk for more details on how to reserve your complimentary tasting!
1301 Cleveland Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
At D'Argenzio Winery, they believe wine has the power to unite people. Their tasting room is a warm, welcoming space where family values and knowledge-sharing are at the heart of every visit. Discover the rich details of their handcrafted Italian and Sonoma County wines: Sangiovese, Pinot Noir, Old Vine Zinfandel, Falanghina orange wine, and Chardonnay. Ask the Flamingo Front Desk for more details on how to reserve your complimentary tasting!
101 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA 95452
6050 Westside Rd, Healdsburg, CA 95448
Enjoy an exclusive tasting experience curated from their small-production Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs. Come visit their Kenwood location in the foothills of the Mayacamas Mountains in Sonoma Valley, or their Healdsburg location known as the Historic Hop Kiln estate in the Russian River Valley. Ask the Flamingo Front Desk for more details on how to reserve your complimentary tasting!
7505 CA-128, Healdsburg, CA 95448
ACTA proudly offers a complimentary Introduction to Membership Tasting for our guests, featuring your choice of four current-release wines, plus a welcome wine. Visitors can enjoy their indoor tasting lounge, private wine cellar, third floor viewing tower and outdoor patio with 360-degree views of the Alexander Valley. Ask the Flamingo Front Desk for more details on how to reserve your complimentary tasting!
2191 Laguna Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Experience Martin Ray Vineyards and Winery set on the Laguna Ridge in the heart of Russian River Valley. With a rich history and continued dedication to making terroir-driven wines from iconic appellations from the Russian River, Napa Valley, and Santa Cruz Mountains you will understand the true definition of an exploration of place. Ask the Flamingo Front Desk for more details on how to reserve your complimentary tasting!
9825 索诺玛高速公路。加利福尼亚州肯伍德。 95452
徒步穿越 Kunde 占地 1,850 英亩的火山垂直庄园。这是一个绝佳的机会,可以在欣赏壮丽景色的同时,看到可持续的葡萄种植实践。周六你的毛茸茸的朋友可以陪伴你!
富尔顿路 5007 号 富尔顿, CA 95439
在索诺玛县俄罗斯河谷的中心地带,参观品尝精致的庄园葡萄酒、不容错过的美食和美酒搭配,以及激动人心的地掷球游戏 - 所有这些都可以欣赏到世界级花园的壮丽景色。
13250 River Rd,盖尔南维尔,CA 95446
最初的加州起泡酒生产商 Korbel 自 1882 年起就开始酿造起泡酒。向西前往红杉林,参观这座美丽的酒庄,这里提供旅游、品酒、熟食店等活动。
8600 River Rd, 福里斯特维尔, CA
伯克 (Burke) 位于俄罗斯河 (Russian River) 红杉林中心,提供 10 英里长的自助独木舟之旅,穿越红杉林 (Redwoods)。
6250 波希米亚高速公路西方, CA 95465
索诺玛滑索探险 (Sonoma Zipline Adventures) 坐落在北加州海岸附近的红木森林深处,是一场高度冒险的体验,完全不同于您体验过的任何体验。两个独特的课程,每个课程时长两个半小时,带导游的生态之旅包括多条滑索、天桥、雄伟的螺旋楼梯、下降到森林地面,您将沉浸在无与伦比的美丽之中世界著名的加州海岸红杉。
425 7th St, 圣罗莎, CA 95401
索诺玛县博物馆位于圣罗莎市中心,坐落于历史悠久的 1910 年圣罗莎邮局内。博物馆收藏了索诺玛县的文物、当代艺术画廊和美丽的雕塑花园。
1500 Bay Flat Road, 博德加湾, CA 94158
6097 Bennett Valley Rd, 圣罗莎, CA 95404
探索贝内特谷 (Bennett Valley) 种植区的马坦萨溪 (Matanza Creek),这里有可持续种植的葡萄园、令人惊叹的景色和薰衣草田。
3333 Skaggs Springs Road 盖瑟维尔 CA, 95441
旺季时,这个风景优美的湖泊拥有超过 2,700 英亩的水域和 50 英里的海岸线。这里是任何水上运动的完美场所。无论您徒步、游泳、骑马、划船、露营、钓鱼还是打猎,您都可以在索诺玛湖完成这一切。
1695 城堡路,索诺玛,CA 95476
这片占地 374 英亩的地产由弗兰克·H·巴塞洛缪基金会 (Frank H. Bartholomew Foundation) 运营,致力于让这个美丽的空间向所有人开放。公园内设有野餐区、步行/远足小径,以及真正索诺玛县风格的酒庄和品酒室。
在 Imagery 度过一个下午,沉浸式体验探索独特的艺术作品。与图像艺术家见面并打招呼,并与我们的艺术策展人一起享受艺术画廊之旅,并享用一杯特色葡萄酒。可用空间有限,需要回复。
411 Chileno Valley Road, 佩塔卢马
这座紧凑的荒野公园位于佩塔卢马西南部,拥有 6 英里长的小径,绿草如茵的山坡蜿蜒穿过橡树林。沿着山脊顶小径可欣赏索诺玛县的全景。
Young & Yonder Spirits 是一家手工酿酒厂,由 Joshua 和 Sarah Opatz 夫妇领导,秉承“从谷物到货架”的理念。周六和周日前往品尝一杯经典或时令鸡尾酒,或品尝四杯鸡尾酒。
15000 Sonoma Hwy, 格伦艾伦, CA 95442
这个风景如画的葡萄酒乡村庄园由杜比兄弟 (The Doobie Brothers) 经理布鲁斯·科恩 (Bruce Cohn) 创立,不仅提供葡萄酒,还提供产自 1800 年代中期树木的橄榄油。
纳帕路 3201 号,索诺玛,CA 95476
查理英亩 (Charlie's Acres) 位于索诺玛广场以东,是一个专门为获救农场动物设立的动物保护区。该保护区是动物们可以平静地过着自然生活的家园,也是向公众展示这些智慧生物值得爱和同情的场所。
19670 8 Th Street East,索诺玛套房,CA 95476
与屡获殊荣的奶酪制作师 Sheana Davis 一起参加奶酪制作实践课程。这个 90 分钟的课程以索诺玛或纳帕葡萄酒和手工奶酪品尝开始,让客人在制作自己的奶酪之前探索不同类型的手工奶酪。
3883 佩塔卢马山路 圣罗莎, CA 95404
在 Bees N Blooms 体验花、树、鸟、传粉媒介、人类和生物圈之间的联系。享受占地 11 英亩的有机农场,这里有薰衣草迷宫和薰衣草香味的小径。还有各种自产产品,包括蜂蜜、鲜切花等等!
Triple Creek Horse Outfit 在北加州葡萄酒之乡的中心地带提供带导游的骑马体验,您可以在世界上最好的一些骑马小道上体验骑马之旅,经过数英亩的葡萄园品尝优质葡萄酒,穿过开阔的橡树林,穿过两棵高大红杉的阴凉树林。地点:索诺玛谷的杰克伦敦州立历史公园和贝内特谷的尤鲁帕山牧场。
539 4 th 圣罗莎, 加利福尼亚州 95401
这家当地拥有和经营的顶级 LGBTQIA+ 企业提供丰富的甜点。从冰淇淋、馅饼、纸杯蛋糕等等,没有什么是您的甜食爱好者不喜欢的。参观圣罗莎市中心或希尔兹堡广场的 Noble Folk。
140 Bohemian Hwy,弗里斯通,加利福尼亚州,95472
在前往索诺玛海岸的途中,在 Wild Flour Bread 品尝手工烘焙的面包。提供砖炉烘烤的酵母面包、烤饼和咖啡饮料。 Wild Flour 使用燃木砖炉制作出精美的硬皮面包,可供远道而来的客人品尝。这家面包店成立于 1998 年,位于美丽的 Freestone Valley,这个只有 26 栋房屋的村庄,俯瞰着点缀着谷仓和牛群的田野。
700 米切尔巷温莎, CA 95492
温莎校区的俄罗斯河酿酒公司 (Russian River Brewing Company) 拥有大型室内和室外用餐区、世界著名的啤酒清单、啤酒厂之旅等等!