Thu 01
A cocktail menu featuring "Sippin’ Santa" with aged Demerara rum, amaro, lemon, orange, and gingerbread mix in a Santa-themed mug.
Thu 01
A tropical drink in a decorative cup with ingredients listed: Jamaican & Puerto Rican rums, lime, coconut, crème de cacao, mole bitters.
Thu 01
The image shows a festive cocktail called "Holiday on Ice" with vodka, cold brew, condensed milk, ancho chile liqueur, and cinnamon syrup.
Thu 01
Festive cocktail image featuring "Jingle Bird" with ingredients: bourbon, pineapple rum, Campari, lime, pineapple, and Jingle mix.
Thu 01
A drink called "Sugar Plum Mai Tai" in a shark mug with a surfboard stirrer, featuring rums and fruit flavors.
Thu 01
Festive cocktail with tequila, applejack, lime, and maple-cranberry syrup in colorful glasses, labeled "Yule Tide" by Beachbum Berry Sippin' Santa.
Thu 01
A tropical drink with a pineapple slice, two straws, and a decorative garnish in a tiki mug. Ingredients and name of the drink are listed above.
Thu 01
A festive drink called "Frosty the Merman" in a Santa mug with colorful stirrers. Ingredients: rye, syrups, lime, pear, apricot, and liqueurs.
Thu 01
A festive cocktail with prosecco, Aperol, tawny port, cognac, lemon, falernum, fig preserves, and cardamom bitters. Merry Spritzmas.
Thu 01
The image shows festive mugs with text promoting a "Silent Nightcap" drink featuring dark chocolate, mint and orange liqueurs, and espresso.


Holiday Cocktail Pop-up

Event Info

  November 24, 2024

这一切都始于 2015 年在纽约市的 Boilermaker,Sippin' Santa 在这里诞生,作为 Miracle 的热带伴侣,Miracle 是一家俏皮且复古媚俗的圣诞快闪店,前一年刚开业就取得了巨大成功。想象圣诞老人坐在冲浪板上而不是雪橇上,用装饰有装饰品的棕榈树取代经典的松树,并在金属丝旁边挂上木槿花环——本质上,这就是 Sippin' Santa 精神。

2018 年,Sippin' Santa 与 Tiki 鉴赏家 Jeff “Beachbum” Berry 联手,与全国各地令人惊叹的地点合作,传播阳光明媚的圣诞欢乐气氛。迄今为止,我们的业务已扩展到北美 40 多个地点。

Beachbum Berry 被《Imbibe》杂志评为“上世纪 25 位最具影响力的鸡尾酒名人”之一,他创造了热带假日主题鸡尾酒,这些鸡尾酒将成为所有 Sippin' Santa 地点的中心舞台。 Berry 是六本有关老式提基饮料和美食的书籍的作者,也是新奥尔良 Beachbum Berry's Latitude 29 餐厅的老板。

Sippin' Santa 活动将于 2023 年 11 月 20 日星期一在火烈鸟度假村及水疗中心开始,一直持续到 2024 年 1 月 8 日星期一。


Mele Kalikimaka:夏威夷甜面包馅炸丸子、梅斯卡尔蔓越莓酱、鼠尾草
